Wednesday, February 18, 2015

DNA Extract

DNA Strawberry Extract Lab
1. The first step to extract DNA from a strawberry is to correctly have all the supplies and tools needed to make this lab possible.
Ziplock Bag
1 Strawberry

Dish soap solution
Counter store Alcohol solution
Test tube
Coffee filter
2. Next, take the strawberry and place it into the ziplock bag. Once the strawberry is in the bag, zip it up. Smash the strawberry into little pieces inside the bag.

 3. Once the strawberry is smashed into little pieces, then open the bag and pour in the soap solution. Recluse the bag and continue to smash for 30 seconds.

4. Take the coffee filter and place it into the test tube. Once the filter is placed into the test tube, open the ziplock bag and pour the strawberry solution in the filter. Let the the strawberry solution drain out.

5. Once the solution is drain into the test tube. Take a pipette and suck up the alcohol solution and then slowly pour it on the side of the test tube. Once you have pour all the solution then let the test tube settle for 5 minutes.

9. Lastly carefully place out the DNA from the solution using the stirrer.

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